Exco member have been eected for the year 2020 of Engineering Science and Technology A iciation... more
Student from the faculty of engineering cience and technology met with the executive committee of MNUSU and the deputy vice... more
FEST ha held it fir t ever tudent cour e work exhibit featuring the model created by the architecture eme ter one, two and... more
ESTA and FESA jointly and colorfully celebrated Earth Hour 2018 in the FE bench Area through variou activitie held under candle... more
Due to the formation and naming of the Engineering, Science and Technology A ociation of the Faculty of Engineering, Science and... more
Due to concern in alaahudheen building’ afety i ue , ESTA executive committee member , FEST tudent and MNU council... more
After an uproar among the FEST tudent due to compromi e in Salaahudheen building tructural integrity which lead to afety... more
ESTA wing bonding program ha been initiated with it fir t meeting held with the FESA executive committee to di cu the... more
Due to the formation of FEST (faculty of engineering technology) after FSc (faculty of cience) and FET (faculty of engineering... more
Ali A hfaq (Dhagandey) ha won the “AFC Cup Bracket Challenge”,... more
The Briti h High Commi ioner to the Republic of Maldive , Her... more
The Maldive National Univer ity Student Union (MNUSU) ha... more
The former Pre ident and Advi ory board member, Mohamed Shaan Amir... more
Former pre ident Ali Shamoon ha given hi heart-felt thank to all... more