What are Coronaviruses?

They are a family of viru e that u ually cau e mild illne e , uch a the common coldThere are certain type of... more

Importance of Hand Washing

Keeping hand clean i one of the mo t important tep we can take to prevent ickne and the pread of germ to other There... more

Food for Thought as we mark the 74th annual World Food Day

Food i a quinte ential part of being human Be it ocial gathering , exchanging courte y,&nb p;ho pitality or ba ic nutrition,... more

World mental health day: Reaching out is always worth it!

Annually world mental health day fall on 10th October It i a day for global mental health education, awarene and... more

New Leaders: The Strength of FESA!

 "The trength of the team i each individual member The trength of each member i the team"   – Phil Jack on ... more

Teachers’ Day 2019: celebrations kick-started by a morning run!

A good run i the perfect way to tart omething ignificant and important The bigge t celebration of The Faculty of... more

World Heart Day: My Heart, Your Heart

“Becau e we believe every heartbeat matter ” - World Heart Federation World Heart Day, an annual celebration that i... more

Latest News
Ashfaq cruises to victory with the backing of huge fanbase

Ali A hfaq (Dhagandey) ha won the “AFC Cup Bracket Challenge”,... more

British High Commissioner expresses her support for Ashfaq on Bracket Challenge

The Briti h High Commi ioner to the Republic of Maldive , Her... more

MNU students join the bracket challenge campaign

The Maldive National Univer ity Student Union (MNUSU) ha... more

Works of Shamoon and his team were flawless in keeping MNUSU active: Shaan

The former Pre ident and Advi ory board member, Mohamed Shaan Amir... more

Former President Shamoon expresses utmost and sincere gratitude in his valedictory speech

Former pre ident Ali Shamoon ha given hi heart-felt thank to all... more
