ESTA has held a workshop about sustainable water and sanitation in collaboration with WATERCARE. The workshop was held on the 26th of march 2019 at MNU CA building. The workshop was conducted by Dr. Khaidhar and Mr. Baaree. The workshop which was targeted for engineers, architects, environmentalists as well science students was also open to the general public.
The workshop was initiated with the recitation of the Holy Quran by the student of faculty of education Miss. Mamdhooha Abdul Azeez followed by a short welcoming speech by the President of the Engineering Science and Technology Association, Mr. Ibrahim Ghanim Shahid. The introduction of the workshop was carried out by the founder and president of WATERCARE, Mr. Baaree.
The first session of the workshop was carried out by Dr. Khaidhar, an intellectual who specializes in planning. He is also responsible for the development of a long term national planning framework of the Maldives. His session was about the importance of planning and about the techniques of planning that could be implemented to improve the water and sanitation of the Maldives.
The second session of the workshop was carried out by Mr. Baaree, who is the founder and president of WATERCARE and also a veteran of the water and sanitation field. He had talked about the current condition of the water and sanitation field and described the problems that currently plague the sector. He had also given extensive information about the various methods to improve the sector as well.
The workshop which was around 3 hours long was attended by more than 30 participants and various other special guests including the Dean of Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology Dr. Shazla and MNUSU’s Media Coordinator Mr. Mohamed Shaan Amir. The workshop had received numerous positive comments from both the participants and organizers. According to ESTA’s president this is the first of many such workshops that ESTA plans to hold this year.
-Ibrahim Ghanim Shahid-
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